
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Increased genomic instability and reshaping of tissue microenvironment underlie oncogenic properties of Arid1a mutations
    A. D’Ambrosio, D. Bressan, and E. Ferracci
    Science Advances Mar 2024


  1. Oral Talk
    Increased genomic instability and reshaping of tissue microenvironment drive ARID1A-dependent cancer formation
    D. Bressan
    SIBBM 2023. Frontiers in Molecular Biology - Bari, IT Jun 2023


  1. Poster
    The role of mSWI/SNF complex in preserving liver tissue homeostasis and preventing hepatocellular carcinoma formation
    D. Bressan, A D’Ambrosio, and E. Ferracci
    PEZCOLLER SYMPOSIUM - Trento, IT Jun 2022
  2. Poster
    Role of the mSWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in preserving liver homeostasis
    D. Bressan, A D’Ambrosio, and E. Ferracci
    EACR - Seville, SP Jun 2022